Are you working on carbon capture or gas separations?
We are here to help! Take advantage of our sorption characterization lab. Our team strives for transparency, speed, and precision to deliver results that you can trust. Our goal is to provide data that empowers you to quickly and confidently make crucial decisions about next steps for your R&D projects.
Interested in contract testing services? Contact us to discuss with our Applications team.
How does your sorbent's performance change in the presence of water?
What would be the impact if you could screen materials ~20x faster?
Partner with us to implement the Matrix Sensors Sorbalyzer --- based on a new, information-rich technique to make more informed and quicker decisions about material discovery, selection, and scale. We aim to accelerate your development of carbon capture or gas separation materials through a deeper understanding of materials CO2 selectivity and faster screening of materials.
The Sorbalyzer measures CO2 and H2O competitive adsorption using two sensors. One sensor is gravimetric for measuring total uptake, and the other is capacitance for measuring only uptake of polar molecules. Test methods include isotherms, adsorption time constants, and thermal cycling for aging and stability. The system design optimizes gas transfer from source to sample, allowing for test methods to run ~20x faster than other techniques.
Interested in in more information? Request our brochure or email your request to